Sunday, 27 February 2011

Rob Zombie - Hellbilly Deluxe 2 (Review)

Rob Zombie, right now, is an artist whose name seems to be on every English rock music fan's lips. He finally made his return to the UK live scene after 12 years in support of his new album, Hellbilly Deluxe 2, and has had rave reviews from every show.

The album, however, seems to divide opinions. A sequel to Hellbilly Deluxe, number 2 seems to lack the epicness of the first. Taken as a stand alone album, there's plenty stand out tracks though, Mars Needs Women and Sick Bubblegum to name a couple. Sick Bubblegum has a very catchy, singalong 'chorus' of sorts in 'Rock, motherfucker', which gets you nodding and singing along before you can stop yourself.
In a way, there seems to be a forumla Mr Zombie sticks to on this album, which is by no means a bad thing. He writes about what he loves, which is horror in all it's forms, and it works well for him.
John 5 being the guitarist on Hellbilly Deluxe 2 was one of the best moves Rob Zombie made in making the album however. His guitar tone and tight, stylish solos bring a lot of the songs to life when coupled with Zombie's trademark vocals.

Previously mentioned, Mars Needs Women is the best track on the album for me. With an acoustic section at the beginning before diving in to a pounding drum beat to accompany the chants of 'Mars needs women, angry red women' and what can only be described as squealing guitar work from John 5. There are a few tracks which are just as good that follow, but nothing which can better it.

Overall, Hellbilly Deluxe 2 is a great album for existing Rob Zombie fans, but for a newcomer looking for his best work, the first Hellbilly Deluxe is better form. There are parts of his old sound in the new offering, but there's certainly no Dragula-esque masterpieces present here.

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